Thursday, September 23, 2010

♥ 我們都怕痛

這首歌很好聽, 一個字讚 =]


如果你是心情不好還是不爽的話, 請不要拿我出氣.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

secrets magnifiques

So yesterday I was going to watch Ugly Betty Season 4 (I know I'm slow but that's what Asia television offers) Right, as I were saying I was going to watch the show but then my brother take over the television and giving me a I need to watch face & so I went back to my study room. But thanks to him, I found two shows to watch. How could I ever forget that 90210 season 3 is already showing! Ugh, but thank God I already remembering it & watched it too. It was really nice, horny & mm.. more things that you couldn't expect? And what I love to watch is LIAM & ANNIE this pairs of couple is getting my attention now, too bad. Annie doesn't want to date Liam, i mean. After all, he is Naomi's Ex-boyfriend right? But I'm still aww-ing about Liam said "What if I don't wanna be friends?" Gosh, that was major hot. Tell me bout it! Oh and I also watched Ashley Tisdale new cast show Hell Cats, it was really nice cause with all the hot moves & dancing & back flip. If only I could do that too, that would be so awesome! No? Right. Ashley is growing so hot these days especially in the show, you won't be disappointing if you watch it, trust me. Now let the pictures explains it all :)

(Yeah babe! Finally we're senior year! - Navid)

Aren't they just so friggin cute? I know right, there's more cute scenes if you watch the show so do remember to watch Hell Cats and 90210 season 3. Oh and do you guys know that Gossip Girl Season 4 is back?! I know right! Ugh, I'm so excited about it!
If you guys haven't watch the preview, here's the preview.

This times Gossip Girl is about Find Love In Paris so guys/girls, do remember to watch it okay. I gotta go, going to grab a grilled chicken burger and french fries at Mcdonald's right now, see you guys soon. Au revoir x

Just so you're one of the club, doesn't mean that your in the club. - Hellcats

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a day with drama

(This smile melts my heart)

So howdy folks, was busying around to study for my up-coming test. Just so you know, i have tons of problems for my History, I don't know which chapter to start and the next thing I knew. I couldn't memorize a word, wow. And then I found a lifesaver, know who is it? Let me introduced it. Mm, it may sounds ridiculous but it helps me a lot to well.. memorized the whole words? yeah, some of em'. Although it made me memorize for some of the chapters but still it saves me. So there it is, i'm going to introduce my lifesaver! yeah, it's SALT & SUGAR. You probably wondering what did them helped me right? Yeah, i could sense it with my psychic. Just joking, so remember three steps folks or maybe two steps, blah.

Three steps
First, Never ever eat anything with too much sugar or salt or oily before you exam. The best thing you eat is not too much salty, not too much sugar and not too much oily would help you memorize the words & could improves you memorizing of something you shouldn't forget about.
Two, Study while no music on, cause if you study while the music is on, you couldn't possibly concentrate on a single word of the book. You probably just listen to the lyrics and memorizing it and sing-along the whole day.
Three, Before you sleep, lay on your bed and focusing on something like a hole. See it focus-ly & breath slowly through your lungs. (I forgot what it could improves, but just try it!)

So, that's probably the easy three steps. Didn't try it before? Why don't you start now! Cause I also do the same thing & I'm thinking to eat less meat this 2 weeks (Probably) & eat lot's of veggies or fish or egg or milk to grow something in my frigging brain! Oh, you'll never know how it happens when you don't even try right? So try it today, I think mostly it could help you function your brain. Talk about History, i seriously need to memorize it now. By the way, i got helped from the drama Playful Kiss. Okay, bye :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Step up 3 3D

So yesterday I went to watch Step Up 3D with my friend Leonie Lim. Yeah, tell me bout it. The movie was friggin amazing and I keep shouting awesome while they were dancing and do you know Moose is so adorable? He looks like Hannah Montana's Rico. If you know what I meant, they look like twin brothers for sure, ha-ha. Okay so I wouldn't wanna talk more anymore, i'm just going to let you guys watch the movie and enjoy? If you have your 3D glasses, wear it so you could see what's special in it. (I don't know If the video is suitable for 3D glasses to watch though, but it's worth to try)

there's more cool dancing's you could check it out by watching the awesome movie even though it's Rm 15 per person but it's worth to buy. Okay, so i'm done with the talking's and I should really go now to revision my textbooks and stuff. Before that, I just wanna announced that Zac Efron's new movie is coming soon & so as harry potter! Are you excited? Cause I am! Let me show you some of the pictures that they have dance :)


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Le Meriden

Had breakfast buffet at Le Meriden yesterday, it was brilliant. The place is just so amazing.
After all, it's a five star hotel right? =)
Wanna check out the place? Sure!

The place which have Grilled beef, bacon, ham and everything you needed.

The place which you can get juice.

The place where you can get Cakes, HotDogs and every kind of breads.

My pap's :)

My sister keep eating pancakes, see how freaky is she :S

Fruits :)


Mom and sister is eating :)

The welcome drink, carrot flavor with orange juice on.

Noodles + Ham + Turkey

Toast with butter and hotdog.

Tea with milk on.

Orange Juice.

I guess those pictures that I've post already explains all,right? =)
Oh, Leoniie came to my house today.
We have lots of fun! Will post a tittle about it soon. (If i'm not that lazy)

Thursday, September 09, 2010


你雖然不完美, 但是我就是愛你
你雖然很胖, 但是我還是愛你
你雖然很矮,個子不像模特兒那麽高, 但是我就是愛你
你雖然很愛跟我唱反調, 但是我還是愛你
你..應該知道我在說你吧 嘿嘿!
對~ 就是你陳寒兒 =P

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I usually plays Neopets instead of Barbie website or even Disney website. I visit Neopets because my friend introduce me to play when I was 8 during my birthday party, I know. It sounds weird and funny, but yeah. She just came up and said "Hey Jen, do you play Neopets?" And since then, I found Neopets. It was really fun at first but it became really boring due to I always played it. yea, I'm a maniac. I played it after I done my homework's or even during my weekends. Yeah, good times. Wanna see some picture of it? Sure thing.

So here's the picture, darling's. if you wanna play it, here's the link Click. Enjoy the games and have a great day. Oh for your information (in case you're wondering) I studied my karangan. So I need some relax time too, kay. English paper 2 revision starts tomorrow :D

Saturday, September 04, 2010


Yesterday's photos

Look! My brother is driving :)

My sister bought it for me =)

Mischievous Kiss Daebak!

Today is 2pm's debut anniversary and today is 2pm day :-)

Friday, September 03, 2010

Everything checked

Wore a hello kitty slipper (?)

Morning kiss for Wooyoung-sshi :)

And not to forget, to watch a Family Guy episode!

Finally I've done my Geografi homework and now what I left is History. Going to do that soon, after today I'm going to be free! 2 weeks holiday, yeah babe. Why don't you rock me this week and call me out for a movie because after this week, I won't out due to study in my own room :\. Yeah.
Need music and tea to start my revision again, fyeah.

Thursday, September 02, 2010


Wore a hello kitty t-shirt that Ivy gave me for my birthday present.
I promised her I would take a picture of it and here it is :-)

I always use this two bookmarks to remember which page I should read & etc.
It's another gift from Ivy :D

My geografi homework. Still left many to write, ugh.

I updated my desktop wallpaper. Funny right :3

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

New york pictures

My brother and the dorky sister :-)
I know, she & I are different human beings from different planets.
She's from the Japan side, I'm from the Korea side. fyeah.

Saw my penne pasta? and the coke floated ice-cream drink? I bet you saw it :)

The monster burger's left out french fries, it was so many left!

So this was the pictures that I had promise to post up and I did. Well, there were a few of them but I delete it because well.. It's not pretty enough :P