Saturday, June 19, 2010

; New banner

I'm quite proud for my new banner. Pretty long story, I tried so hard and finally I get a result here. 1 more day left to school and I'm prepared. if its for fun,I'm fully prepared. if its for school homework's and all those exam thingy, well not that prepared at all. tomorrow is father's day, trying to have a surprising party for papa. and maybe cook some fried eggs, sausage with buns and a smooth orange juice for him? well we're still planning though. I'm still wishing mom would probably bring me to a shopping tomorrow, I need to go wawasan. to search for some maroon pencil case with cheetah skin on it. get what I meant? Oh yeah, will be receiving Dear John and The lovely bones book from Heidi on Monday. Thanks a bunch sweetheart. I owe you so much! Oh, to remind you guys. Disney will be aired some kind of awesome movie tomorrow. starstruck, couldn't wait though. Yeah yeah,with all those talkings. I forgot something actually, well.. my brother is coming back. fuck yeah! I wanna watch A-team and Karate Kid bro! Drive me to Suria pleasee! Ah, forgot to mention. I just watched Pretty Little Liars. Daaamn, finally I know who's A. getting more interest for this 'murdered case' :)) ciao.

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