Sunday, June 13, 2010

; lies

Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret - Pretty little liars x


I just watched finish glee's finale and its the episode that I cried a lots. Seriously,they should win that fucking damn competition okay. Oh and thanks Sue. You did the right thing to save the glee's club.
Well yeah,for the ever first time. I wandered why you did that though :)
Though, I got another great show to introduce you guys/girls. Its creepy but amazing and interesting.
You know its like CSI show or something. but this is even more amazed.
Warnings, if you're not a person that afraid's everything especially this kind of stuff like me. pffst.
Then watch it :D. I took a lots of courage to watch it, so yeah.
Couldn't wait for next week. another episode to aired :D

Just had crabs and nuggets for dinner. I think my tummy is growing lots of fats :S. I seriously need to jog.

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