Tuesday, June 29, 2010

soccer game during midnight

This is the first time that I've experienced. trying to wake up around 4:30 am just to watch a Brasil soccer game but I didn't regret at all. It was the best-est thing that ever happened. They striked 3 goals & for Chile they've none. I think the fellas in Chile are so dramatic or some more else they're trying to make Brazil have yellow cards. Well, KAKÁ got one. I wasn't sure if he just kick that guy's foot or something else. It doesn't matter at all since they've already win :P. Portugal will be beating Spain soon. one of the best team in world cup & much more friends, Ronaldo said so. I'll buy Portugal for sure, if they losed. I'll never be regret, since they did their best :) I hope KAKÁ won't get any yellow cards already. I don't want you to miss another match kay! Hmm,spamming Ronaldo & KAKÁ time :D. ciao x

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