Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a day with drama

(This smile melts my heart)

So howdy folks, was busying around to study for my up-coming test. Just so you know, i have tons of problems for my History, I don't know which chapter to start and the next thing I knew. I couldn't memorize a word, wow. And then I found a lifesaver, know who is it? Let me introduced it. Mm, it may sounds ridiculous but it helps me a lot to well.. memorized the whole words? yeah, some of em'. Although it made me memorize for some of the chapters but still it saves me. So there it is, i'm going to introduce my lifesaver! yeah, it's SALT & SUGAR. You probably wondering what did them helped me right? Yeah, i could sense it with my psychic. Just joking, so remember three steps folks or maybe two steps, blah.

Three steps
First, Never ever eat anything with too much sugar or salt or oily before you exam. The best thing you eat is not too much salty, not too much sugar and not too much oily would help you memorize the words & could improves you memorizing of something you shouldn't forget about.
Two, Study while no music on, cause if you study while the music is on, you couldn't possibly concentrate on a single word of the book. You probably just listen to the lyrics and memorizing it and sing-along the whole day.
Three, Before you sleep, lay on your bed and focusing on something like a hole. See it focus-ly & breath slowly through your lungs. (I forgot what it could improves, but just try it!)

So, that's probably the easy three steps. Didn't try it before? Why don't you start now! Cause I also do the same thing & I'm thinking to eat less meat this 2 weeks (Probably) & eat lot's of veggies or fish or egg or milk to grow something in my frigging brain! Oh, you'll never know how it happens when you don't even try right? So try it today, I think mostly it could help you function your brain. Talk about History, i seriously need to memorize it now. By the way, i got helped from the drama Playful Kiss. Okay, bye :)

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