Monday, September 13, 2010

Step up 3 3D

So yesterday I went to watch Step Up 3D with my friend Leonie Lim. Yeah, tell me bout it. The movie was friggin amazing and I keep shouting awesome while they were dancing and do you know Moose is so adorable? He looks like Hannah Montana's Rico. If you know what I meant, they look like twin brothers for sure, ha-ha. Okay so I wouldn't wanna talk more anymore, i'm just going to let you guys watch the movie and enjoy? If you have your 3D glasses, wear it so you could see what's special in it. (I don't know If the video is suitable for 3D glasses to watch though, but it's worth to try)

there's more cool dancing's you could check it out by watching the awesome movie even though it's Rm 15 per person but it's worth to buy. Okay, so i'm done with the talking's and I should really go now to revision my textbooks and stuff. Before that, I just wanna announced that Zac Efron's new movie is coming soon & so as harry potter! Are you excited? Cause I am! Let me show you some of the pictures that they have dance :)


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