Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I usually plays Neopets instead of Barbie website or even Disney website. I visit Neopets because my friend introduce me to play when I was 8 during my birthday party, I know. It sounds weird and funny, but yeah. She just came up and said "Hey Jen, do you play Neopets?" And since then, I found Neopets. It was really fun at first but it became really boring due to I always played it. yea, I'm a maniac. I played it after I done my homework's or even during my weekends. Yeah, good times. Wanna see some picture of it? Sure thing.

So here's the picture, darling's. if you wanna play it, here's the link Click. Enjoy the games and have a great day. Oh for your information (in case you're wondering) I studied my karangan. So I need some relax time too, kay. English paper 2 revision starts tomorrow :D

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